- Tally Customization

I am Debadutta Sahoo
Promoter and Developer of XLSdeal.com
{ Make your Tally-Works more user friendly using several automations with 100% Accuracy. }
>>> Import/Export unlimited transactions directly to tally without using any third party software or TDL.
1. Import Vouchers (Unlimited).
2. Import Master (Unlimited).
3. Instant Master Alternations
4. View Several Customize Reports.
>> Income/Expenses Monthly.
>> Cash Flow in Ledger wise.
>> Depreciation Projection.
>> Trail Balance (A/L & E/I) Wise.
>> Un-Used Masters List.
>>Year End Paisa Rounded off List.
Many More…....
5. 26AS Reconciliations.
6. GSTR Reconciliations.
7. Balance Sheet Drafting